Then, on the Nook, I created a directory for a custom screensaver - /screensavers/weather. The nook (rooted as previously with nookmanager) runs a program 'FolderSync' which periodically (every 6 hours) syncs the output directory on the RPi with the screensavers/weather directory on the Nook.
Finally, the Nook is configured so that the screensaver kicks in after 10 seconds by modifying the settings.db from
adb pull /data/data/ settings.db sqlite3 settings.db update system set value=10000 where name='screen_off_timeout'; .q adb push settings.db /data/data/
The Kobo script is modified (actually much simplified) to create the output test.png as below:-
import urllib2 import pygame, os from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from subprocess import call os.environ['SDL_NOMOUSE'] = '1' print("Kobo Wifi weather forecast started.") def index_error(error): print(error) print("Failed to fetch weather data.") print("Double check your location settings by running:") print(" cat location") print("If the information is incorrect, re-set your location with:") print("") def to_hex(color): hex_chars = "0123456789ABCDEF" return hex_chars[color / 16] + hex_chars[color % 16] def convert_to_raw(surface): print("Converting image . . .") raw_img = "" for row in range(surface.get_height()): for col in range(surface.get_width()): color = surface.get_at((col, row))[0] raw_img += ('\\x' + to_hex(color)).decode('string_escape') f = open("/tmp/img.raw", "wb") f.write(raw_img) f.close() print("Image converted.") def get_weather_data(): print("Getting weather information . . .") try: location = open("location", "r") lat = location.readline().strip() lon = location.readline().strip() location.close() except IOError: print("\nCouldn't open location file.") print("Run the '' script to set your location for the weather script.") return 1 #print(lat, lon) #weather_link = '{0}&lon={1}&format=24+hourly&numDays=5&Unit=e'.format(lat, lon) weather_link='{0},{1}&format=xml&num_of_days=5&key=525804183f140652120211'.format(lat, lon) #print(weather_link) weather_xml = urllib2.urlopen(weather_link) weather_data = weather_xml.close() dom = parseString(weather_data) unit_file = open("unit.txt", "r") unit = unit_file.close() unit = unit.strip().upper() h_temps = dom.getElementsByTagName('tempMax%s' % unit) l_temps = dom.getElementsByTagName('tempMin%s' % unit) highs = [] lows = [] for i in h_temps: try: highs.append(str(i.firstChild.nodeValue)) except AttributeError as error: print("Error getting temperature highs: " + str(error)) for i in l_temps: try: lows.append(str(i.firstChild.nodeValue)) except AttributeError as error: print("Error getting temperature lows: " + str(error)) conditions = [] for con in dom.getElementsByTagName('weatherDesc')[1:]: conditions.append(str(con.firstChild.nodeValue)) now = day3 = now + timedelta(days=2) day4 = now + timedelta(days=3) day5 = now + timedelta(days=4) days = ["Today", "Tomorrow", day3.strftime("%A"), day4.strftime("%A"), day5.strftime("%A")] # images # The first image link is for the current weather, which we don't want. icons = dom.getElementsByTagName('weatherIconUrl')[1:] img_links = [] for i in icons: try: link = "icons/" + str(i.firstChild.nodeValue)[72:] except AttributeError as error: print("Error getting icon links: " + str(error)) img_links.append(link) #print(img_links) #print(highs, lows) #print(conditions) #print(days) display(days, highs, lows, conditions, img_links, unit) def display(days, highs, lows, conditions, img_links, unit): print("Creating image . . .") pygame.font.init() #pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) white = (255, 255, 255) black = (0, 0, 0) gray = (125, 125, 125) # AJR - try init display - output to PC screen for testing. # pygame.display.init() ### screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 800)) screen = pygame.Surface((600, 800)) screen.fill(white) tiny_font = pygame.font.Font("Cabin-Regular.ttf", 18) small_font = pygame.font.Font("Fabrica.otf", 22) font = pygame.font.Font("Forum-Regular.ttf", 40) comfortaa = pygame.font.Font("Comfortaa-Regular.ttf", 60) comfortaa_small = pygame.font.Font("Comfortaa-Regular.ttf", 35) # Dividing lines pygame.draw.line(screen, gray, (10, 200), (590, 200)) pygame.draw.line(screen, gray, (10, 400), (590, 400)) pygame.draw.line(screen, gray, (200, 410), (200, 790)) pygame.draw.line(screen, gray, (400, 410), (400, 790)) # Today date = small_font.render(days[0], True, black, white) date_rect = date.get_rect() date_rect.topleft = 10, 15 high = small_font.render('high: ', True, black, white) high_rect = high.get_rect() high_temp = comfortaa.render(highs[0], True, black, white) htemp_rect = high_temp.get_rect() high_rect.topleft = (50, 100) htemp_rect.topleft = high_rect.topright low = small_font.render("low: ", True, black, white) low_rect = low.get_rect() low_rect.topleft = (400, 100) low_temp = comfortaa.render(lows[0], True, black, white) ltemp_rect = low_temp.get_rect() ltemp_rect.topleft = low_rect.topright condition = font.render(conditions[0], True, black, white) con_rect = condition.get_rect() con_rect.centerx = 300 = 5 # Make sure words don't overlap if con_rect.left < date_rect.right: con_rect.left = date_rect.right image = pygame.image.load(img_links[0]) image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) img_rect = image.get_rect() = (300, 125) degrees = pygame.image.load("icons/%s.png" % unit) screen.blit(condition, con_rect) screen.blit(high, high_rect) screen.blit(degrees, htemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(degrees, ltemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(high_temp, htemp_rect) screen.blit(low, low_rect) screen.blit(low_temp, ltemp_rect) screen.blit(image, img_rect) screen.blit(date, date_rect) # Tomorrow date = small_font.render(days[1], True, black, white) date_rect = date.get_rect() date_rect.topleft = 10, 210 high = small_font.render('high: ', True, black, white) high_rect = high.get_rect() high_temp = comfortaa.render(highs[1], True, black, white) htemp_rect = high_temp.get_rect() high_rect.topleft = (50, 300) htemp_rect.topleft = high_rect.topright low = small_font.render("low: ", True, black, white) low_rect = low.get_rect() low_rect.topleft = (400, 300) low_temp = comfortaa.render(lows[1], True, black, white) ltemp_rect = low_temp.get_rect() ltemp_rect.topleft = low_rect.topright condition = font.render(conditions[1], True, black, white) con_rect = condition.get_rect() con_rect.centerx = 300 = 210 if con_rect.left < date_rect.right: con_rect.left = date_rect.right image = pygame.image.load(img_links[1]) image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) img_rect = image.get_rect() = (300, 325) screen.blit(condition, con_rect) screen.blit(high, high_rect) screen.blit(degrees, htemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(degrees, ltemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(high_temp, htemp_rect) screen.blit(low, low_rect) screen.blit(low_temp, ltemp_rect) screen.blit(image, img_rect) screen.blit(date, date_rect) # Day 3 date = small_font.render(days[2], True, black, white) date_rect = date.get_rect() date_rect.centerx = 100 = 410 high = small_font.render('high: ', True, black, white) high_rect = high.get_rect() high_temp = comfortaa_small.render(highs[2], True, black, white) htemp_rect = high_temp.get_rect() high_rect.topright = (100, 630) htemp_rect.midleft = high_rect.midright low = small_font.render("low: ", True, black, white) low_rect = low.get_rect() low_rect.topright = (100, 710) low_temp = comfortaa_small.render(lows[2], True, black, white) ltemp_rect = low_temp.get_rect() ltemp_rect.midleft = low_rect.midright condition = tiny_font.render(conditions[2], True, black, white) con_rect = condition.get_rect() con_rect.centerx = 100 = 450 image = pygame.image.load(img_links[2]) image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) img_rect = image.get_rect() = (100, 540) screen.blit(condition, con_rect) screen.blit(high, high_rect) screen.blit(degrees, htemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(degrees, ltemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(high_temp, htemp_rect) screen.blit(low, low_rect) screen.blit(low_temp, ltemp_rect) screen.blit(image, img_rect) screen.blit(date, date_rect) # Day 4 date = small_font.render(days[3], True, black, white) date_rect = date.get_rect() date_rect.centerx = 300 = 410 high = small_font.render('high: ', True, black, white) high_rect = high.get_rect() high_temp = comfortaa_small.render(highs[3], True, black, white) htemp_rect = high_temp.get_rect() high_rect.topright = (300, 630) htemp_rect.midleft = high_rect.midright low = small_font.render("low: ", True, black, white) low_rect = low.get_rect() low_rect.topright = (300, 710) low_temp = comfortaa_small.render(lows[3], True, black, white) ltemp_rect = low_temp.get_rect() ltemp_rect.midleft = low_rect.midright condition = tiny_font.render(conditions[3], True, black, white) con_rect = condition.get_rect() con_rect.centerx = 300 = 450 image = pygame.image.load(img_links[3]) image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) img_rect = image.get_rect() = (300, 540) screen.blit(condition, con_rect) screen.blit(high, high_rect) screen.blit(degrees, htemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(degrees, ltemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(high_temp, htemp_rect) screen.blit(low, low_rect) screen.blit(low_temp, ltemp_rect) screen.blit(image, img_rect) screen.blit(date, date_rect) # Day 5 date = small_font.render(days[4], True, black, white) date_rect = date.get_rect() date_rect.centerx = 500 = 410 high = small_font.render('high: ', True, black, white) high_rect = high.get_rect() high_temp = comfortaa_small.render(highs[4], True, black, white) htemp_rect = high_temp.get_rect() high_rect.topright = (500, 630) htemp_rect.midleft = high_rect.midright low = small_font.render("low: ", True, black, white) low_rect = low.get_rect() low_rect.topright = (500, 710) low_temp = comfortaa_small.render(lows[4], True, black, white) ltemp_rect = low_temp.get_rect() ltemp_rect.midleft = low_rect.midright condition = tiny_font.render(conditions[4], True, black, white) con_rect = condition.get_rect() con_rect.centerx = 500 = 450 image = pygame.image.load(img_links[4]) image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) img_rect = image.get_rect() = (500, 540) screen.blit(condition, con_rect) screen.blit(high, high_rect) screen.blit(degrees, htemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(degrees, ltemp_rect.topright) screen.blit(high_temp, htemp_rect) screen.blit(low, low_rect) screen.blit(low_temp, ltemp_rect) screen.blit(image, img_rect) screen.blit(date, date_rect) update_time = "Last updated at " +"%l:%M%P") last_update = tiny_font.render(update_time, True, gray, white) screen.blit(last_update, (5, 770)) # AJR - try to output display instead of converting to raw. ### pygame.display.update() # AJR - and now save the image we've generated on the surface 'screen', "output/test.png") #call(["/mnt/onboard/.python/"]) ###convert_to_raw(screen) ###call(["/mnt/onboard/.python/"]) #try: get_weather_data() #except IndexError as error: #index_error(error)
Still - I'm happy :)
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